Tuesday, February 8, 2011

UK Budget 1996

The UK government spends in 1996 around £315 billion. The government spends the money in all ministries of the country. This pie chart shows what government spent the money on.

The largest budget goes for social security. It’s around £100 billion. This was almost triple as much as the next category, health and personal services. Next came education with £38 billion and defence with £22 billion. There was less than £20 billion spent on the next three categories, which were: first, law and order next, industry, agriculture and employment. Next came housing, heritage and environment. The smallest budget was transport, with £9 billion. Dept interest was £25 billion and other expenditure was £23 billion.
The most striking feature of the pie chart is that the government spends on social security more than an others. The second biggest budget is for health and personal services.

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