Sunday, May 15, 2011

Underground train systems in 5 cities

The table shows information for five major cities about the underground train systems operating. I am going to write the differences between them.
In 1863 the London underground train system is the first in the world was opened in 1863 and it is the longest rail train system; 394km. Tokyo opened in 1927 and Paris in 1900. The lengths are different Paris is 199kms and Tokyo 155kms, nearly have the same passengers. Boston and Kyoto are the shortest rail train systems; less than 30 km. both opened in the last thirty years. The long rail track is for London. The second rail track is Paris; 199km. Kyoto has the shortest length in KMs of all this cities. The passengers total in the five cities is 553.
All in all, the highest numbers of passengers was in Paris and Tokyo. Kyoto has fewest passengers.

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