Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Smoking is harmful to society

People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks cool. Others start because their family members or friends smoke.
One of the main dangers of smoking is due to Nicotine. Nicotine is found naturally in tobacco. It has no odor and no color. It is, however, both physically and psychologically addictive, and it causes those who use it to want to smoke one cigarette after another. There are other dangers of smoking as well. The tobacco smoke starts to affect the lungs. Smoking is the one of the main cause of death every year. Smoking gives a higher risk of starting a fire.
There are several solutions for the smoking. Firstly, smoker must be place away from smoke places. Secondly start doing your job
and immediately change the focus. Thirdly
tell your family and friends so they can encourage you. Also you should meet your doctor and follow his advances.
There are no physical reasons to start smoking. The body doesn't need tobacco the way it needs food, water, sleep, and exercise. Smoking is a hard habit.

Population growth between 1750 and 2150

The chart shows population growth in richer and poorer countries between 1750 and 2150.
In 1750 the total world population was about one billion all the world. Slightly increase in both developed and undeveloped countries since 1800 to 1950. From 1950 to 2050 growth up from 1.5 billion to 7.5 billion in less developed countries. The population in more developed countries not changed from 2000 to 2010. In 2150 the population will be about 1 billion in more developed countries. Less developed countries increased from 2000 to 2010. The population growth is estimated to reach 11 billion in 2150. Furthermore the United Nations predict world population will gradually increase from 2050 to 2150.
All in all, the population of the world is still growing, but the less developed countries increased more than developed countries.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Underground train systems in 5 cities

The table shows information for five major cities about the underground train systems operating. I am going to write the differences between them.
In 1863 the London underground train system is the first in the world was opened in 1863 and it is the longest rail train system; 394km. Tokyo opened in 1927 and Paris in 1900. The lengths are different Paris is 199kms and Tokyo 155kms, nearly have the same passengers. Boston and Kyoto are the shortest rail train systems; less than 30 km. both opened in the last thirty years. The long rail track is for London. The second rail track is Paris; 199km. Kyoto has the shortest length in KMs of all this cities. The passengers total in the five cities is 553.
All in all, the highest numbers of passengers was in Paris and Tokyo. Kyoto has fewest passengers.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Reflection 3

My teacher Hedley told me to write more than 5 essays. The last 3 essays were about world population,hurricanes and tornadoes, UK budget . One of them should contain four paragraphs, and the other two have three paragraphs. The essay which has 4 paragraphs must contain at least 250 words, and the other two must contain at least 150 words. In the problem/solution conclusion it is important to choose the most viable solution. This is preparation for the argument essays we will do next.

Three African cities

The line graph gives information about the average monthly temperatures in three African cities - Mombasa, Cairo, and Cape Town. Each city has its own different climate, with very different characteristics.
Cape Town has lowest temperature in July. In fact Cairo and Cape Town are almost opposites in temperature. Cairo is hottest when Cape Town is coldest. Its maximum temperature is 70º F from November to February, after which it drops gradually to about 55 degrees in its winter. The hottest place shown on the graph is Cairo. In July and August, average temperatures rise to over 80º Fahrenheit. Mombasa is warm all year round. Its temperature fluctuates very little, ranging from a low of 75 to a maximum of 83 in March.
In conclusion, location is very important in deciding climate. When it is winter in Cairo, it is summer in Cape Town, but Mombasa, being tropical, is warm all year round

world population

The chart show’s population growth in richer and poorer countries between 1750 and 2150.

In 1750 the population of the world was less than 0.5 billion. There was about the same amount of population from 1750 to 1850. In 1900 the amount rose up to 1 billion. The population was estimated to be around 2 billion in 1950. From 1950 to 2000 the population increased three times to 6.2 billion. The chart shows that population will be around 10 billion in 2050. In 2100 the population is expected to be 10,5 billion and the population will increase slowly up to 1 billion in 2150.

The graph shows that population tripled between 1950 and 2000. Before that world population growth was steady rather than dramatic.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hurricanes and tornadoes

Hurricanes and tornadoes are two strong winds. Below is a table about the differences and similarities between hurricanes and tornadoes.
A hurricane can be predict 2-3 days in advance for a wide area and 6-10 hours beforehand, but a tornado can be predicted 20 minutes or less. The minimum wind speed for tornadoes it is 40 miles per hour, whereas hurricanes is 74 miles per hour. Hurricane has 300 miles of average width of storm and tornado has 100-600 meters sometimes up to 1.5 km wide. Hurricanes start over warm oceans whereas tornadoes start usually over land. The hurricane is classified on the Saffir-Simpson C1-c5, but the tornado is classified on the Fujita F0-F5. Finally, the average number per year for hurricanes is 100 worldwide and 20 minutes or less for tornadoes.

All in all, a tornado is a dangerous, rotating column of air which is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cloud. Hurricanes can produce large waves and storm.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Traffic congestion in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi is the largest emirate in the UAE; many embassies and government department are there. This makes so many people drive their cars to Abu Dhabi city every morning, which results in traffic congestion. I’m going to write about the causes and effects of traffic congestion in Abu Dhabi.
There are many causes of this problem in Abu Dhabi. The first cause is the old design of the roads which were planned 20 years ago. Abu Dhabi roads are controlled by traffic lights and they cause road users to stop for a while and this surely slows the traffic down. The second main cause is the increase in population; this results in an increase in the number of private cars on the roads.

One obvious solution is to improve the road system, with more bridges, overpasses, subways and so on. Another suggestion is to relocate businesses and government offices to outside of the center of the city.

All the people who live in Abu Dhabi have to study this problem. This will make our government understand how much the locals are bothered and they might end up with a solution for this serious problem.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Obesity in the UAE

Obesity has become a major problem  in the UAE. Over 70% of Emirati nationals are overweight. This is a difficult problem with many families and for the country as a whole.

There are three main causes of obesity; diet, lifestyle and education. One of the chief causes is diet. Young Emiratis eat more and more high-carbohydrate, high-fat burgers and pizza in fast-food restaurants. However, some traditional foods are also very oily; also people are eating more often than in the past.
If we take in more calories than we burn off, the food then gets stored in our bodies as fat. If this happens regularly there is the potential of becoming obese. Lifestyle is a second main cause of obesity. As a result of cheap foreign labour, many Emiratis now have sedentary job, and do not exercise regularly. Obesity can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions.

For most people who are overweight or obese, the safest and most effective way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. If you eat less and exercise more, you will lose weight. It is as simple as that. There are no magic pills. Diets that sound too good to be true are just that. Medical treatment of obesity focuses on lifestyle changes such as eating less and increasing activity level. There are medications that can promote weight loss, although they work only in conjunction with eating less and exercising more.
Obesity or even being overweight has serious effects on the individual and the society. Both need to take action to examine the causes of this problem and find solutions.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


1.breaking wind

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Top 10 Date-Producing countries, 2001

The date palm is one of the oldest fruit trees in the Arabian countries and a most important fruit for people. Date fruit is marketed all over the world as a fresh fruit .It is produced largely in the hot arid regions of the world i.e. GCC countries. The bar graph shows date production in tonnes for the world's top countries in 2001.

First, Egypt has the most of date production, with over a million tonnes, and Iran was a close second, with around 0.9 million. Third, came the UAE and Saudi Arabia, about 740,000 tonnes each. Then came Pakistan with around 620,000 tonnes and Iraq were not far behind. Other countries had less production. Algeria produced around 400,000 tonnes. Oman came next to Algeria, with 250,000 tonnes. In contrast, Libya and Sudan produced under 0.2 million each.

In conclusion, date production in the world is only confined to a small number of countries, most of them being the Arab countries. The date industry in the Arab world is not yet fully developed.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentines's Day Gifts

Valentine's Day is an extremely popular festival in the United States of America. People in the US observe a holiday on this day to express love. These charts show the types of gifts that US people buy for each other on Valentine’s Day.
The most popular gifts people like to buy are cards, flowers and candy. Cards are the most popular gift for both genders. Women buy flowers less than men, 11% compared to 16%; also women buy cards more than men,27% to 18%. Most amazing, more women buy candy for men 21% to 14% for men. Around 10% of both men and women buy jewelry. Over twice as many women than men buy perfume or cologne, 10% to 4%. Men spend more than women on lingerie. Also men spend more in spa/personal care than women.
Valentine's Day dinner and dance parties are organized all over the country to celebrate the occasion. Many couples hold private celebrations in homes or restaurants.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

UK Budget 1996

The UK government spends in 1996 around £315 billion. The government spends the money in all ministries of the country. This pie chart shows what government spent the money on.

The largest budget goes for social security. It’s around £100 billion. This was almost triple as much as the next category, health and personal services. Next came education with £38 billion and defence with £22 billion. There was less than £20 billion spent on the next three categories, which were: first, law and order next, industry, agriculture and employment. Next came housing, heritage and environment. The smallest budget was transport, with £9 billion. Dept interest was £25 billion and other expenditure was £23 billion.
The most striking feature of the pie chart is that the government spends on social security more than an others. The second biggest budget is for health and personal services.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Reflection 1

My best teacher Mr .Hedley, teach me and explain how to write comparisons essays and help me how to write two kinds of essays, and both of these essays are talk about procedure. One of them was about how to use an ATM machine and the second one was about how to make butter by hand, and each essay must contain three paragraphs for instance, introduction, body and conclusion.